President Professor Dr. DORU ȘTEFĂNESCU (19.01.1952 - 09.05.2021)

The Mathematical Society of South Eastern Europe expresses its deepest regret hearing the sad news of passing away prof. Doru Stefanescu, president of the Mathematical Society of South Eastern Europe. The MASSEE, lost one beloved supporter of its targets and a great supporter of the cooperation of mathematical unions of the Balkan countries. Prof. Doru Stefanescu was present and consistent in all activities of the MASSEE and active member of the mathematical community.The world's mathematical science lost one of its beautiful minds.


He was university professor at the University of Bucharest from 1980 to present and visiting professor at Auckland and Strasbourg. He was one of the pillars of the Faculty of Physics of the University of Bucharest. First vice president of the Romanian Mathematical Sciences Society since 2008. Author of over 60 scientific articles and over 30 papers in elementary and didactic mathematics.

Those of us who had the opportunity to know him, we can say that he was an important friend, mathematician, scientist, and person with a lot of general knowledge and interest in ancient culture and countries culture.

The Mathematical Society of South Eastern Europe and the local Mathematical Societies of the countries in the South Eastern Europe express the deepest condolences to his family and the Romanian Mathematical Society.


May his memory live forever!